报告人:刘冲 (副教授) 陈杰虎 史隽彬 谭懿平 蔚京娟
报告一:New Rigorous Solutions Providing Insights into an Old Instability First Discovered Back in the 1960s
摘要:An old instability known as modulation instability first discovered back in 1960s is a central process in modern nonlinear science. While the development of advanced computational techniques has led to great progress in the numerical modeling of instabilities, rigorous analytic descriptions are far less common. Now, new rigorous solutions of vector nonlinear fields shine light on such an old instability. They are super-regular breathers in Manakov equations which has direct applications in optics and fluid dynamics. Here, we show how to construct such exact solutions by eigenvalue analysis and by finding the link G(ω) =γ∆Vg. In particular, we will highlight the role of the relation G(ω) =γ∆Vg in revealing the nature of the super-regular breathers in both the scalar and vector nonlinear systems.
报告人简介:刘冲,西北大学理论物理团队成员,入选陕西省“特支”计划、陕西省青年科技新星。主要研究方向包括可积系统理论及其实验实现。近年来,在精确描述两类调制不稳定性动力学方面建立了一般理论框架,并在PRL、CPL(Express Letter)、Physica D等学术期刊上发表多篇论文。
报告二:Open Set Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on a Multiorder Graph Convolutional Network and Domain Adaptation
摘要:A method named the multiorder graph convolutional network (MGCN) is proposed for open set few-shot scene classification in remote sensing. MGCN employs feature dispersion degree weighting domain adaptation and multiorder graph convolution to diminish the dispersion degree among node features. Experimental results underscore the effectiveness of this approach in solving the classification challenge.
摘要:In this talk, we focus on the complex dynamics of a stochastic HIV-1 infection model with cART in the brain involving two infected states, namely, productively infected state and latent infected state.